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A board portal is a secure online platform that contains all your board-related documents and information. It provides non-profit boards with the ability to access meeting notifications, agendas, digital board packs and other relevant board documents on any device at any time. Board members can sign https://fitboardroom.com/esg-due-diligence-in-investment-planning/ or edit, as well as comment on documents electronically via the portal. This eliminates the need for physical signing and also saves precious meeting time.

When comparing board portals you should consider the features that best serve your requirements for governance. For instance, how simple is it to install the software for your business? Does it sync up with the board calendar? Can you easily create meetings using this software? How do you prioritize actions and track progress between meetings? These features, as well as many others, help board members prepare and fulfill their responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

A platform’s quality is another important aspect to think about. Look for a vendor with an established reputation in the market and a customer service that is responsive to any issues that may arise. Be sure that the platform you select is accessible on any device with an Internet connection.

The best boards portals offer central access to all meeting materials, information from fellow members and organizational policies. This gives directors the context they need to talk about governance issues and allows them to concentrate on the issues at hand. It is essential that board members have access to documents they created prior to the meeting to ensure they are on the right track. A functional board portal makes this possible by sending the correct information at the right time.